Friday, November 29, 2019

Should Dangerous Sports Be Banned Essay Example

Should Dangerous Sports Be Banned? Essay Should dangerous sports be banned? Yes! Millions of people play sport every day, and, inevitably, some suffer injury or pain. Most players and spectators accept this risk. However, some people would like to see dangerous sports such as boxing banned. This essay will examine some of the reasons for banning certain sports. Some sports are nothing but an excuse for violence. Boxing is a perfect example. The last thing an increasingly violent world needs is more violence on our television. The sight of two men (or even women) bleeding, with faces ripped open, trying to obliterate each other is barbaric. Other sports, such as American football or rugby, are also barely-concealed violence. Some people argue that the players can choose to participate. However this is not always the case. Many boxers, for example, come from disadvantaged backgrounds. They are lured by money or by social or peer pressure and then cannot escape. Even in richer social groups, schools force unwilling students to play aggressive team sports, claiming that playing will improve the students character (or the schools reputation), but in fact increasing the risk of injury. Even where people can choose, they sometimes need to be protected against themselves. Most people approve of governments efforts to reduce smoking. In the same way, governments need to act if there are unacceptably high levels of injuries in sports such as football, diving, mountaineering, or motor-racing. I accept that all sports involve challenge and risk. However violence and aggression should not be permitted in the name of sport. Governments and individuals must act to limit brutality and violence, so that children and adults can enjoy and benefit from sport. We will write a custom essay sample on Should Dangerous Sports Be Banned? specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Should Dangerous Sports Be Banned? specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Should Dangerous Sports Be Banned? specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer

Monday, November 25, 2019

Commentaire dArret Essays - Politics Of France, France, Free Essays

Commentaire d'Arret Essays - Politics Of France, France, Free Essays Commentaire d'Arret Dans un arret de rejet du 17 decembre 2015 de la 1ere Ch.Civ, la Cour de Cassation s'est prononce sur la question du droit de la presse vis-a-vis du droit de la famille. A l'occasion de la parution, en octobre 2012, d'un ouvrage intitule La Frondeuse, le magazine Point de vue a publie un entretien accorde par les auteurs au cours duquel ceux-ci revelerent que l'interessee alors en couple aurait entretenu une relation intime de plusieurs annees avec un autre homme, a une epoque ou tous deux etaient engages. S'estimant diffame, l'homme assigna l'un des auteurs, le directeur de la publication du magazine et la societe editrice aux fins d'obtenir la reparation de son prejudice et la publication d'un communique judiciaire. L'homme s'est avait alors demande la reparation de son prejudice et la publication d'un communique. Apres avoir vu sa demande en appel deboute, il s'est pourvu en cassation. Des lors, est-ce que l'imputation d'une infidelite conjugale peut-etre de nature a porter atteinte a la personne compte tenu de l'evolution des murs? Par son arret de rejet, la Cour de Cassation rejette le pourvoi du demandeur qui soutenait, sur le fondement des articles 29 de la loi du 29 juillet 1881 sur la liberte de la presse et 8 de la Convention europeenne des droits de l'homme, que l'allegation publique d'une liaison pretee a un homme marie pouvait porter atteinte a l'honneur de celui-ci. Pour la Cour de cassation, la cour d'appel, a relever que l'adultere etant depenalise, elle a retenu a bon droit que l'evolution des murs comme celle des considerations morales ne permettaient plus de considerer que l'imputation d'une infidelite conjugale serait un motif valable a porter atteinte a l'honneur du demandeur. Ainsi, nous verrons d'abord le contexte et le sens de cet arret (I) puis la valeur de celui-ci et sa portee (II) I: Un contexte social en lien avec la decision de la Cour Cette premiere partie servira a etablir le contexte de l'arret (A) puis a etudier le sens de cette decision en fonction du contexte actuel (B) A: Le contexte de l'arret Cet arret met en relation le droit de la presse et la liberte de celle-ci avec le droit civil et plus particulierement le droit de la famille. Ainsi, apres avoir ete deboute de ses demandes, il s'est pourvu aupres de la Haute juridiction. Ici, il s'agissait d'etablir au visa de l'article 29 de la loi de 1881 qui dit Toute allegation ou imputation d'un fait qui porte atteinte a l'honneur ou a la consideration de la personne ou du corps auquel le fait est impute est une diffamation. La publication directe ou par voie de reproduction de cette allegation ou de cette imputation est punissable, meme si elle est faite sous forme dubitative ou si elle vise une personne ou un corps non expressement nommes, mais dont l'identification est rendue possible par les termes des discours, cris, menaces, ecrits ou imprimes, placards ou affiches incrimines. s'il y a eu une diffamation. La cour devait etablir si la Cour d'appel, deuxieme juridiction, avait viole ou non cet article. B: Le sens de la decision La Cour de Cassation a alors repondu en un moyen unique avec 3 branches a la question de droit qui etait d'etablir si une imputation d'infidelite par la presse etait une atteinte a la personne. La Cour a ainsi repondu a cette question en commencant par reprendre les branches du pourvoi, et precise que l'atteinte a l'honneur ou a la consideration ne pouvait resulter que de la reprobation unanime qui s'attache, soit aux agissements constitutifs d'infractions penales, soit aux comportements consideres comme contraires aux valeurs morales et sociales communement admises au jour ou le juge statue. La Premiere chambre civile considere alors quel'imputation d'une infidelite conjugalen'est pas de nature a elle seule a porter atteinte a l'honneur ou a la consideration d'autrui compte tenu del'evolution des bonnes murs comme des conceptions morales. II: Une decision synonyme d'evolution Une fois etablit le contexte, il s'agira de montrer en quoi cette decision est consideree comme une avancee en commencant par expliquer la valeur de cette decision (A) puis la portee de cet arret (B) A: La valeur de la decision En rejetant le pourvoi, la Cour a confirme le jugement de la Cour d'appel qui a

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Norman Finkelstien Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Norman Finkelstien - Essay Example It was not simply writing on the Holocaust that Finkelstein saw to be fraudulent, but an entire â€Å"Holocaust industry† pushing this particular past on the present for both ideological and financial gain. Finkelstein's criticisms of what were perceived to be misuses of the Holocaust were neither the first word nor the last on this subject. As the accusations leveled at Leai suggest, right from the outset, questions were raised about the mixed motives behind representing this particular past. With the increasing prominence of the Holocaust in popular discourse since the 1960s, those dissenting voices have gotten louder, reaching a deafening crescendo in Finkelstein's damning critique of the Holocaust industry. But Finkelstein's claims of the existence of a Holocaust industry drew on a much longer tradition of critical reflection on the popularization of the Holocaust. Much longer history of the criticism of Holocaust representation can be seen developing alongside the history of that representation. There are two broad strands in this disparate literature. One strand has questioned what has been seen as an overemphasis on the Holocaust in general, and by Jews in particular. Another strand has not questioned all contemporary concerns with the Holocaust per se, but has critiqued specific representations of the Holocaust—movies, museum exhibits, and books—in large part on the grounds of inauthenticity. What unifies these two broad strands—and such diverse writers as Norman Finkelstein and Elie Wiesel—is a refusal to accept any cultural product that draws on the history of the Holocaust as by definition a good thing, simply because it makes this past known. Within the more restricted criticism of someone like Wiesel, there can be, and have been, inappropriate Holocaust representations. From the more radical perspective of Finkelstein, all the products of the Holocaust industry are rejected as little more than attempts at â€Å"J ewish aggrandizement.† 4 While these two critical strands differ quite markedly, beneath both lies the deeper question of whether all the more recent talk about the Holocaust is a good thing in general, and whether it is a good thing for Jews and non-Jews in particular. However, such criticisms have recently been themselves subject to criticism. In the aftermath of the publication of Finkelstein's book in particular, voices were raised against the questioning of both specific Holocaust representations, and the perceived centrality of the Holocaust. The attack on the Holocaust industry by Finkelstein and others has been challenged and critiqued, perhaps most importantly, in an essay written by Alvin Rosenfeld in the American Jewish Year Book for 2001. There, Rosenfeld argued that the criticism of what was perceived to be a contemporary overemphasis on the Holocaust amounted, explicitly or implicitly, to calls for forgetting. If the Holocaust was to be increasingly forgotten, as critics of the Holocaust industry advocated, the result would be, Rosenfeld suggested, that Jews would â€Å"return to the kind of vulnerability that preceded Auschwitz and helped bring it about.† 27 However, before reflecting on the recent debate over the broader critique of the Holocaust industry, there are narrower criticisms of the specific products of the H

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 115

Essay Example Armstrong on the other hand would no longer challenge the USADA decision finding USADA’s investigation dismissing it as a â€Å"witch hunt† that is bent on convicting him without any physical evidence. Armstrong denied that he ever took banned substances in his career (Associated Press). This decision of USADA to strip Armstrong of his titles and ban him from the sport for life is not only wrong but also excessive. It can be likened to a death penalty (Zimmerman) of which Armstrong is undeserved. It is based on onerous and unreasonable proceedings t that even the United States District Court indicated the troubling aspect of the case and indicated â€Å"the deficiency of USADA’s charging document is of serious constitutional concern† (2012 WL 3569682). It is important to state that the prosecution of USADA against Armstrong is based on â€Å"non-analytical positive† or from witness testimony and not from the presentation of concrete, scientific laboratory results. Armstrong was right when he commented that USADA convicted him without any physical evidence. To back up that comment, it has to be noted that Armstrong never tested positive to over 500 tests he was subjected to during his active career. Worst, the use of â€Å"analytical non-positive† proceeding to convict Armstrong that requires the testimony of a witness was tainted with corruption making the ground of his conviction to be doubtful if not illegal. It could be argued that there are numbers of witness who testified against Armstrong that justified the conviction. But the manner of which those testimonies were obtained or extracted automatically removes the credibility of such witnesses and making it unfit to be used as evidence in the court of law. An agency cannot break the federal bribery law just to convict anyone. Thus, the evidence used against Armstrong can be dismissed not only as hearsays but also illegal that could nullify the charges hurled

Monday, November 18, 2019

Vulnerability Assessment on your System at Home Essay

Vulnerability Assessment on your System at Home - Essay Example Hackers having time, resources and enthusiasm can breach into any system. Even the system with the most enhanced security architecture cannot guarantee 100% that it will not be hacked or are safe from viruses. Firewalls help to secure the network from unwanted data by packet filtering technologies. Routers can help secure Internet and network gateways. Virtual private networks transmit data after encryptions in a secure tunnel. Anti viruses software detects viruses, spywares, and malicious activities. The success of these technologies is reliant on the expertise of a professional, who is responsible for monitoring, maintaining, configuring and updating the system of regular basis. Updating the system also involve the expertise required for updating the services and kernels effectively. Continuous monitoring of the network vigilance is also an important factor. If we take an example of an enterprise network, these networks are comprised of components such as Servers, Firewalls, File servers, Intrusion detection software and hardware, routers, switches etc. As we know that security threats are always a debatable topic because they keep on disrupting networks, it will be intimidating to handle the network vigilance along with updates and maintenance of the huge enterprise network. For maintaining the enterprise networks multiple expertise are required. It is unavoidable that networks will be completely safe from threats, disruption of services and vulnerabilities. For analyzing vulnerabilities, networks must be investigated for possible weaknesses. Vulnerability assessment of the home system and network resources can reveal potential issues that can be addresses before the hacker identifies them. It is an internal audit of system security and network resources. It involves regular network vulnerability scanning of the system to ensure the co nfigurations are meeting the standards along with the checking of latest

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Unique Positioning Of Government Officials Politics Essay

The Unique Positioning Of Government Officials Politics Essay The unique position of government officials is that of both respect and trust. A nation will elect men and women from themselves that they respect or value their opinions. Once in office many decisions will be made that will have a profound effect on the citizens of the nation. That is why trust is so important. The people trust that the officials they have elected will hold steadfast to their morals, ideas, and ethical principles that they began with. I will examine the social and ethical obligations that the government has to its society and why societies need the government to fulfill their ethical duties. Also I will explain the optimal ethical, decision-making processes for making such determinations. The ability of the government to represent the interest of of entire population gives great power to the members of it. People rightly say that the role of government is to provide an orderly society, but it also provides an enforceable set of moral and ethical values which control the functioning of our society. Within the laws are embedded (hopefully) our cultures moral values. As members of our society we have an obligation to conform to these societal values in order to contribute to a peaceful and orderly society. It is important to understand what the governments role in a society is to understand the ethical and social obligations that it has to the people. Normally viewed as a group, or organization a government will exercise authority, controls, and administer public policy and directs control of its members (). Typically, the term government refers to the  civil government  of a  sovereign state  which can be local, national, or international. However, commercial, academic,  religious, or other formal organizations are also governed by internal bodies. Such bodies may be called  boards of directors, managers, or  governors  or they may be known as the administration (as in schools) or  councils of elders  (as in forest). The size of governments can vary by region or purpose. Growth of an organization advances the  complexity  of its government, therefore small towns or small-to-medium privately operated enterprises will have fewer officials than typically larger or ganizations such as multinational corporations which tend to have multiple interlocking, hierarchical  layers of administration and governance. As complexity increases and the nature of governance become more complicated, so does the need for formal policies and procedures. The expression The Public Trust when applied to governments is described as, responsibility the public places on government to care for their interests.() This implies that the members of a society expect its government to carry its self in an ethical and deliberate manner. A nineteenth century bureaucracy writer, Max Weber, discussed an ideal type bureaucracy puts forward that public servants and their institutions do not have ownership over their positions () Rather, the tax-payers of the society. Government officials are elected and appointed to pursue the objectives and goals that are most advantageous for the society. The elected officials and political appointees that are selected to work in a bureaucracy are public servants() If the public servants conduct in pursuit of the goals and objectives remains consistent with the laws and ethical guidelines set in place by the society, the public trust is being satisfied . However, if the authority that is placed into the hands of the public servants is being abused or the goals and objectives are not being met, public interest is being disappointed(). At times public resources are sometimes utilized to serve the personal interest of officials. Too often we have seen this abuse at virtually every level of government. Many in the field of public administration have questioned how we have arrived at a point where there is so much unethical, immoral, and illegal activity in government. In an era where high profile lapses by public-sector leaders in ethical and moral judgment are frequently exposed, citizens have come to expect increasingly higher standards of ethical conduct as a broad range of activities are now viewed as immoral (Bowman, 1990). Increasing awareness and changing societal values have been linked to the publics interest in ethics management (Maesschalck, 2004/5). Accordingly, citizens have become more assertive and demanding toward leaders in the public-sector showing less tolerance for leaders mistakes, shortcomings, and structural challenges. As such public leaders are generally expected to meticulously conform to standards higher than those aligned with personal morality (Lewis, 1991). Thus public leaders can often find this expectation to maintain collectively high and even idealistic levels of ethical responsibility to be quite overwhelming. In general, leaders in the public-sector are expected to maintain a level of morality and integrity which serves the interests of society while at the same time demonstrates personal responsibility, diplomacy, and truthfulness. As previously noted, the ethical role and responsibility of public officials and the ethical foundations of public administration have been viewed in a variety of ways by several scholars and practitioners. some of the primary ethical obligations and expectations which have been considered fundamental to the role of the public administrator are listed. These include: (a) demonstrating concern for the public good and representing the 14 interests of society, (b) abiding by appropriate state, federal, and constitutional laws while at the same time having respect for the procedures within the organization, (c) engaging in basic managerial and supervisory responsibilities such as oversight and planning, (d) being honest and truthful in the discharge of official in formation, (e) acting in reason, fairness, and impartiality in every situation, (f) demonstrating prudence and good judgment in decision-making, (g) providing confidence to citizenry, stakeholders, and subordinates in the abilities of the official to perform the required duties, and demonstrating intelligence and aptitude in the assigned or elected position, and (h) also providing subordinates with the adequate direction and motivational encouragement needed to perform their responsibilities. Thus given these views, many people might say that the ethical role of the public administrator can be summed up as follows: serve the public interest while being fair, honest, lawful, trustworthy, and doing the least amount harm(). Keeping the fore mentioned in mind, we can see the governments obligation to the society spans across many different areas. If it is the governments responsibility to do the least amount of harm, should create laws to stop its citizens from hurting themselves? If th e behavior can directly be linked to endangering another person then yes it is the responsibility of the government. It is understood that alcohol impairs ones judgment, so if that person were to get behind the wheel inebriated than they risk harming not only themselves but others. When people become addicted to narcotics they stop being productive members of society. Not only can they become dangerous, but they can fail to fulfill finical obligations. Thusly, it is illegal to sell, purchase, or possess controlled substances without a prescription. These actions have an immediate effect on others, but there are instances that the behavior would not affect others. For instance, in every state in America if you are caught driving without a seatbelt you can be pulled over. The government in this case has established rules to influence the society develop habits that will keep them safe. On the other hand, you can look at smoking, which is associated with lung cancer along with many oth er terminal diseases. In this case however, the government does not have laws in place that ban smoking. There are higher taxes and smoke-free areas that make it inconvenient but it is still legal. So where is the line drawn between the obligations of the government and the rights of the people? Unfortunately, the case of tobacco highlights a profound problem with special interest groups (). In the government, there are many good ways to fulfill social and ethical obligations through communication. Access, transparency, public resources, and free speech are all effective ways of achieving this. Communication encourages active participation in the political process, in other words it encourages. It is a governments ethical responsibility to ensure that every constituent has equal access to elected officials. When equal access is achieved whether it come through developing technological mediums or public forums, the whole of the populations goals can be heard. Adversely, if few people inside of a population, such as, lobbyist or affluent individuals receive more attention due to their status than goals of the society will not be met. One key principle for elected officials is never accept favors from friends or associates because it can lead to them asking for favors in return, which is inequitable to the remaining. The ability of citizens to see daily activity of the gove rnment is known as transparency. This certainly promotes a governments accountability, but also gives the members of a society a peace of mind in knowing the actions of their government. To guarantee transparency, states have laws that require meetings to be open to the public (the Brown Act in California) as well as, access to government records at no cost to the people. The obligation of the government to provide this sort of transparency is vital to effective leadership.   Engagement of the public enhances effectiveness of the government; also it improves the quality of decisions.   Lack of transparency in government leads to a system lacking necessary checks and balances, where officials can do what they please. Almost all of the time when public resources are utilized they should be used for public purposes. Generally speaking, public resources must be used for public purposes. Public resources are included in many things, such as, government employees time, taxpayers money , or even land that belongs to a community. Governments have a very strong social obligation to ensure that these resources are being utilized in an appropriate manner. In the state of South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford was charged with abusing tax-payers dollars to pursue extra-marital affairs in Argentina. Not only did this leave a black eye on the state of South Carolina there has been a severe breech of public trust between South Carolinians and the state government. and It is imperative that The  National Government Ethics Survey, conducted June 25-Aug. 15, 2007, included responses from 774 federal, state and local government employees, and had a margin of error of 3.5 percent. It was the first time ERC broke out government employee responses from its larger survey of public and private sector employees, which included 3,452 in 2007. Harned said the survey found that 52 percent of government employees reported witnessing some kind of misconduct by co-workers in 2006. In addition, 23 percent said they saw or experienced abusive behavior, 21 percent witnessed safety violations and 20 percent knew someone who had lied to their colleagues or was involved in a possible conflict of interest. Most reports of misconduct involved ethical breaches, rather than legal violations, according to ERC. Government employees as a whole reported 3 percent more incidents of falsifying or altering documents and 4 percent more incidents of lying to employees than their private sector counterparts did. Harned said reporting misconduct was up 12 percent from 2005, from 58 percent to 70 percent. Eighty-nine percent of employees made their reports to an individual, rather than anonymously to a hotline, and usually approached lower-level local managers and not top officials in organizations. When one considers an ethical decision model for the government the most important thing to remember is the decision represents the people. Thusly, it is even more imperative to demonstrate prudence, justice, honesty, and temperance in the process (Ruggerio, pg 108). To assist the government in making these difficult ethical decisions, the society should be involved. To involve the people it is important to remember the communication tools that where shown earlier. First, one must recognize the ethical issue that needs to be addressed. Accordingly, questions, such as, Is there a negative consequence for a specific group of people? must be answered. The government must also consider if it is a decision of the lesser of two evils vice two positive consequences or is it simply between one good and one bad alternative. Is there a question about the legality of something? After the issue has been determined the facts need to be gathered. Only the relevant facts of the issue need to be exa mined, but all facts must be considered. Is it possible to gather more information and is the understanding of the issue well enough to make a decision? Is there any special interest in the decision or if a specific group has more at stake than that must be taken into consideration? One must understand all possible actions at this point and ensure all options have been identified. Now, one must evaluate all possible alternative actions by reviewing several approaches. What action will cause the least harm and most good? What action best supports the rights of all with interest in the decision? What action provides the most equal consequences for all? What is best for the society? What action most accurately represents the people the government represents? Once all approaches have been considered the government must make a decision. Lastly, the government will act on its decision, and view the outcome. It is important to reflect on the decision to truly understand if it turned out co rrectly and if anything should have been done differently. Only through reflection of actions can a government improve it capabilities to make more effective ethical decisions in the future.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Andrea Dworkin :: essays research papers fc

Andrea Dworkin   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Andrea Dworkin has been an influential write, speaker, and activist for over two decades. She claims to be a feminist, and that her ideas are beneficial to women. This paper will show that many of her most popular beliefs are not only detrimental to society, but also not in the best interests of women.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In letters from a war zone, Andrea Dworkin presents a collection of speeches and short articles she has composed during her career as a writer and activist. Many of her articles deal with censorship and pornography. One claim is central to all of these, pornography is an act and not an idea, thus censorship is not relevant to it.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In response to a New York Time Review of her 1981 book, Pornography: Men Possessing Women, Dworkin writes, â€Å"Pornography says the women want to be hurt, forced, and abused; pornography says women want to be raped, battered, kidnapped, maimed; pornography says women want to be humiliated, shamed, defamed, pornography says that women say no but mean yes - Yes to violence, yes to pain.† (Dworkin p 203)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In response to Dworkin's fiery rhetoric, Wendy Mcelroy writes that Dworkin has scientific backing and even cites evidence to the contrary. â€Å"In Japan, where pornography depicting violence is widely available, rape is much lower per capita than in the United States, where violence in porn is restricted.† Mcelroy attacks the belief that pornography cause violence, stating that even if a correlation is present, is does not necessarily mean there is a causal relationship. (McElroy 102)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Lynne Segal sees in inherent harm in trying to link the two together. She believes that feminists who try to do so are wasting valuable time that could be spent on other important issues. â€Å"In the end, anti-pornography campaigns, feminist or not, can only enlist today, as they have invariously enlisted before, guilt and anxiety around sex, as well as lifetimes of confusion in our personal experiences of sexual arousal and activity.† â€Å"In contrast, campaigns which get to the heart of men's violence and sadism towards women must enlist the widest possible resources to empower socially.† (Gibson 19)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Another argument of Dworkin's is that pornography should not be protected as free speech under the first amendment. It is her contention that protecting what pornographers say, is protecting what pornography does. Pornography is more than words. They are acts against women. â€Å"Pornography happens to women.† As a result, bans on such material are warranted, not only because it is harmfully and discriminatory to women, but also because there are no civil liberties that are violated in preventing an act.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Diary Entries Of A Murderer

I can see Julia's grave in front of me. And Carla's. Yet, I don't really remember that night. The night they died, I mean. I know that Julie was arguing. She was arguing with me. It was a long and loud argument. Something about a hospital of some kind. She wanted me to go there. I don't know why. I don't think I was sick. I think she had something in her hand. It was glinting in the dim light of the room. She kept repeating that I shouldn't go near her. I couldn't understand why. I loved her. She was my wife and I went closer to her. She was so beautiful. Her hair was soft and pretty. I took two steps towards her. She pointed the silver object she was holding. I held her, holding the shiny metal part towards her heart which was beating fast. Then, I kissed her and she fell to the floor, heavily. Red was her favourite colour. 3rd April 2004 Blackthorn Road Blackthorn Road. What a name! It reminds me of a thorn, a really big one, covered with dried blood – blackened. Then, there she was. She was wearing red stilettos, a matching red dress with a white belt around her slim waist. Her shoulder-length brown hair was floating with the wind. Her bare legs, looking as soft as a baby's, were exposed. She was taking long strides, walking in an elegant manner. She walked right past me. Without even noticing I was there. â€Å"Julia!† I called out. She kept on walking. I called her again. But she continued to ignore me. Rage swept through me. How dare she ignore me like that? I thought to myself. I walked over to her and grabbed her arm. â€Å"Farewell, beautiful.† 8th April 2004 My daughter's bedroom Her bedroom was always well-kept. It has a single bed, and a small desk that occupied one side of the bedroom. The room is empty. No one is at home. She must be watching television downstairs. I love her. What's her name though? Amanda? Or the other one, Carla? It must be Amanda. Then who was Carla? She walks in, her blue eyes wide. â€Å"What are you doing here? How did you get in?† â€Å"What do you mean? This is my house, little miss daughter.† â€Å"I am not your daughter. Your daughter is dead!† â€Å"What are you saying?† â€Å"You killed her! And you killed your wife! Don't you dare come near me! I'll call the police!† I look at her. How did she know I killed her mother? Did she see it? Will she report it to the police? She can't know this and survive. I have to make sure of that. 15th April 2004 Swordbill Hotel I am in room number 101. I want to talk to my Julie. I miss her. She was probably making dinner right now. I dial our house number. It rings several times. Where is she? I almost hung up when: â€Å"Hello?† It is a man's voice. There was not supposed to be a man at home. No man was allowed to visit Julia when I was not there. Julia is having an affair, I think angrily. â€Å"How could you do this to me Julia? And who the hell are you? What are you doing at my house? How dare you!† I slam the phone down. At the same instant, a woman came in. She saw me and started to scream. â€Å"Keep quiet, damn it!† She shuts up. â€Å"What did I ever do to you, Julia?† I said sadly. â€Å"Why did you have to do this to me? Don't you know how much I love you?† She was cowering towards the door looking nervously at me, nearly in tears. I got irritated. Doing that innocent princess act on me is not going to work, I thought, I would have to make her pay for what she did to me Very quickly, I grab her and drag her to the bed. I take a pillow. I put it on her mouth watching her tremble in fear. Then I put it on her eyes and kissed her goodbye. I could taste the salty tears that had fallen on her lips. I then cover her entire face with it and hold it tight. After she lay limp on the bed, I walked out the door. 20th April 2004 Prison bunk I don't know why those men put me in here. I don't think I've broken the law or anything. They keep talking about killing someone. I have no idea what they are talking about. It doesn't matter though. I called Julia. She'll come to bail me out after she picks up Carla from her ballet lessons.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

bush clinton synopsis essays

bush clinton synopsis essays William Jefferson Clinton, by far the MOST controversial President of our Time On January 20, 1993, our current presiding president, William J. Clinton was sworn into office. For the past six years, one of the most flamboyant presidencies has been lived out and still continues to this very day. In the eyes of some Bill Clinton has been a savior to the United States, while others openly consider him the Anti-Christ. Either way, he has put us all on the track we are on now. Bills first changes were to be made right here in the US. Domestic changes included the lengthening of un-paid sick leave in the work force to 12 weeks. This allowed anyone ill or childbearing to comfortably pace themselves before returning to work. Another domestic change took place in the military. President Clinton decided to lift the ban dis-allowing gays in the military. Though a great positive step forward, it was met with heavy opposition. Thus Clinton decided to implement a Dont Ask, Dont Tell policy pertaining to sexual preferences of those enlisted in the armed forces. Aside from his domestic policies, Clinton reaffirmed the US as a missionary nation by aiding the small country of Somalia. With the goal of erasing famine and settling and political coups, Clinton sent both US and UN troops to Somalia. Once the domestic warring and overall famine had diminished, US troops were withdrawn and UN troops remained only until 1995. Again Clinton portrayed the US as a Helping Hand nation when we airdropped both food and supplies to refugees fleeing Rwanda after a wave of repression and public massacre overtook the nation. Also noted would be the Bosnia/Serbia conflict. When the two nations began to go to war, Clinton again stepped in and acted as a buffer while the two nations participated in peace talks. Though William J. Clinton is over-all a Good president, his own personal matters always s ...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Verbal Behavior Analysis (VBA) Helps Children With Language Deficits

Verbal Behavior Analysis (VBA) Helps Children With Language Deficits Verbal Behavior Analysis, or VBA, is a language intervention strategy based on the work of B.F. Skinner. An American psychologist, social philosopher, and inventor, Skinner was a leading figure in the branch of psychology known as Behaviorism. This school of psychology derives from â€Å"the belief that behaviors can be measured, trained and changed,† according to Psychology Today. With this in mind, Verbal Behavior Analysis can be a powerful approach to addressing the language deficits of children on the autism spectrum. Autism is a developmental disorder that makes it difficult for children and adults who have the condition to communicate and interact with others. But Skinner posited that language is learned behavior mediated by others. He introduced the terms Mand, Tact, and Intraverbal to describe three different kinds of verbal behaviors. Defining the Terms Manding is either demanding or commanding others for desired objects or activities. Tacting is identifying and naming objects, and intraverbals are utterances (language) mediated by other language, often called pragmatics by speech and language pathologists. What Occurs During VBA Treatment? In VBA treatment, a therapist sits with an individual child and presents preferred items. The child will receive the preferred item when he or she imitates the therapist and mands or requests the item. The therapist will ask a child for a number of responses, often in quick succession, known as massed trials or discrete trial training. The therapist will build on success by having the child select from more than one preferred item, by demanding clearer or more audible approximations of the word in order receive the preferred item (called shaping) and mixing it up with other preferred activities. This first step is done once a child has exhibited success in manding, especially manding in phrases, the therapist will move ahead with tacting. When a child succeeds in learning and naming familiar objects, the therapist will build on that with intraverbals,  naming relationships. For example, the therapist will ask, Jeremy, where is the hat? The child will then respond, The hat is under the chair. The therapist will help the child generalize these verbal skills to a variety of settings, such as school, in public and at home with parents or caregivers. How VBA Differs From ABA The MyAutismClinic website states that ABA and VBA, though related, are not the same. What’s the difference between the two? â€Å"ABA is the science that uses principles of behavior like reinforcement, extinction, punishment, stimulus control, motivation to teach new behaviors, modify and/or terminate maladaptive behaviors,† the MyAutismClinic site states. â€Å"Verbal Behavior or VB  is simply the application of these scientific principles to language.† The site states  that some people believe that ABA is more efficient than VBA, but this is a misconception. â€Å"A well-trained professional should make use of the principles of ABA in all areas of the child’s development including language,† according to MyAutismClinic. VBA is simply a comprehensive ABA approach to language.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Marketing Strategy for Business ''Express Star'' Essay

Marketing Strategy for Business ''Express Star'' - Essay Example The company is looking for ways to use the brand value of MNA and gain trust held within the market it serves (Andereck, 2005). At present the company is setting up a new business arm completely different from the present business units. It has decided to open up a new recruiting agency by the name Star Employment Service. Other than that there are plans to build new revenue streams, which will either complement the existing media products or will lead to new business opportunities away from the traditional business model (Abratt et al. 2011). The present research paper endeavors to produce a rough sketch of the marketing strategy that Express & Star can follow. The current strategy of Express & Star and its applicability, benefits are discussed in the present business environment. Then a detailed external and internal analysis is produced to reflect the best strategic option available to Express & Star. The choice of the most suitable strategy is explained with justification, and th en followed up with subsequent implementation. It is finished off with the inclusion of the control systems to keep the changes within the desired level. Integration of the marketing problem-solving modes and marketing management support system There are more than 5 different types of marketing management models in the market. Some of the marketing management models have core statistical application and controlling techniques. There are vast differences in the marketing management models like in Marketing Information System, the main idea is to support the marketing management team with critical marketing information processed and filtered by applying statistical techniques. There is another type of model which is called the Marketing Decision Support System (Wierenga and Bruggen, 1997). The marketing decision support system helps to derive different strategic decisions using statistical concepts combined with strategic concepts and ideas. Again there is another different set of too l called the Marketing Management Support System. The marketing management support system helps to achieve a different set of benefits which are completely different than the other marketing management techniques discussed above. The different marketing management techniques have unique set of benefits and applications which distinguished them from each other. Although one thing that must be noted is that all the different kinds of marketing management techniques have more or less the same origin. The origin of the different marketing concepts lies in the marketing problem solving modes, which is short formed as the ORAC framework (Wierenga and Bruggen, 1997). The ORAC framework includes the optimizing option, reasoning option, analogizing option and the creating option. It is important that there is proper correlation between the ORAC framework and the marketing management support system. The following diagram gives an indication of the correlation between the marketing management support system and the ORAC framework Source: (Wierenga and Bruggen, 1997) The diagram indicates the relationship between the MPMS and the MMSS. Optimizing leads to development of the marketing model estimation, reasoning leads to MKIS, MDSS, MNN and MKBS. Analogizing leads to the development of MCBR and MNN. Creating leads to the d

Saturday, November 2, 2019

1.Women into senior management. Gender communication barriers Essay

1.Women into senior management. Gender communication barriers - Essay Example , from their colleagues also they do not receive a friendly approach rather their â€Å"work lives had been made intolerant by constant harassment.† In her work, Suppressed, Forced out and Fired: How Successful Women Lose Their Jobs, the Reeves (1951, 65) has remarked, while taking about tragic plight of women at workplaces, â€Å"Several of the women faced bullying and eventual termination from more than one job.† There are also various cases, where, â€Å"women were not technically fired or formally made redundant,† (Reeves, 1951, 65) and those victims have described their situation as â€Å"being forced out.† (Reeves, 1951, 65) Many people can argue that such incidents are mostly frequent in the developing nations. The author has studied cases of ten women and most of them were working in developed nations like UK or Australia. The truth behind such observation we understand not only from analysis of the author but also from our daily experiences. There is no denial of the fact that even in job scenario of the 21st century gender discrimination is a major issue and women are mostly victimized under the prevailing patriarchal atmosphere is the companies. Despite their talent, efficiency and commitment for the company, most often, women have to strive more in comparison with their male counterparts to reach the senior managerial level. Even after reaching such height, she cannot communicate with her subordinates properly due to gender communication barrier. According to the social scientists and psychologists basic features or behaviorist approach of a woman does not suit are not in accordance with modern work culture. Since the post globalization period, the private enterprises have expanded to a great extent and the work culture that is followed there, has also affected huge effect even over the public enterprises also. When a person is elevated at the managerial position he or she is supposed to fulfill a lot of job responsibility, managing and planning for his or